Same object, Why two different colliders?!?!

Hi Guys,

I am using the same mesh model into 2 different applications (see attachment). On the left the Foot has a Capsule collider and its radious is 57.94.
To the Right, the same object, scaled down to the same scaling factor as the left one, I created the capsule colider and it is completely different… so can anybody try to explain what is happening? as I suspect that there is some bug in the raycasting thing which my be caused by these numerical inconsistencies.

Many thanks,

Make the second capsule’s radius smaller.

Not sure what would have caused that, could be any number of things.

What surprises me is that if I copy and paste the values of the dimension of the collider on the left to the collider on the right, the collider on the right is huge!

Well the left object has capsule size of 60/240, which is a ratio of like 1 to 4, and the right object’s capsule is at 1.0/1.3, which is not a ratio of 1 to 4 so it looks funny. I’m guessing a parent object is scaled (or the two objects use different meshes and one of the meshes is scaled?).