Sample Cubemap not working

Hi there:
We have found in our project that materials with Sample Cubemap or Sample Reflected Cubemap are not working when we use Play To Device on simulator. We
have tried build and run in simulator, the result is still bad. Is this node still broken?
unity: 2023.3.11f1
PolySptaial: 0.6.3

I’m going to need more information: ideally, a repro project submitted as a bug report (and let me know the incident number: IN-#####). The main limitation of cube maps is size: because RealityKit doesn’t support cube maps natively, we emulate them with 2D textures. Because we encode these textures with their faces stacked vertically, the size can’t be greater than (in the simulator) 8192/6, or 1365.

Thank you for the information! I use a smaller cubemap(1024), and it just works well. size limitation, true. :star_struck:

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