Below is a behavior script I designed for handling data persistence in a simple manner. This could be greatly expanded and customized, but will work for simple game saving needs out of the box.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
public class DataManager : MonoBehaviour
private bool _IsLoaded;
private bool _IsNew;
private DataSet _DS;
private DataTable _TblSimpleProperty;
private DataColumn _ColSimplePropertyKey;
private string _XmlPath = Application.dataPath + @"/DataManager.xml";
private string _DSName = @"DataManagerData";
private string _TableName = @"SimpleProperty";
private string _KeyColName = @"Key";
private string _BoolValueColName = @"BoolValue";
private string _IntValueColName = @"IntValue";
private string _FloatValueColName = @"FloatValue";
private string _StringValueColName = @"StringValue";
public bool IsLoaded
get { return _IsLoaded; }
public bool IsNew
get { return _IsNew; }
public DataSet DS
get{ return _DS; }
void Awake()
_IsLoaded = false;
_IsNew = false;
_DS = new DataSet(_DSName);
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (!_IsLoaded)
// make sure data has been loaded by this time
void OnApplicationQuit()
if (_IsLoaded ( _DS.HasChanges() || _IsNew))
Debug.Log("DataManager: Data Saved!");
private DataRow FindPropertyRow(string key)
DataRow retRow = null;
int propRowIdx = _TblSimpleProperty.DefaultView.Find(new object[] { key });
if (propRowIdx >= 0)
DataRowView propRow = _TblSimpleProperty.DefaultView[propRowIdx];
retRow = propRow.Row;
return retRow;
public bool Exists(string key)
return (FindPropertyRow(key) != null);
public SimpleProperty GetSimpleProperty(string key)
SimpleProperty retProp = null;
DataRow propRow = FindPropertyRow(key);
if(propRow != null)
retProp = new SimpleProperty(key);
retProp.BoolValue = (bool)propRow[_BoolValueColName];
retProp.IntValue = (int)propRow[_IntValueColName];
retProp.FloatValue = (float)propRow[_FloatValueColName];
retProp.StringValue = (string)propRow[_StringValueColName];
return retProp;
public List<SimpleProperty> GetSimpleProperties(List<string> keyList)
List<SimpleProperty> propList = new List<SimpleProperty>();
foreach (string key in keyList)
return propList;
public void SetSimpleProperty(SimpleProperty prop)
DataRow propRow = FindPropertyRow(prop.Key);
if (propRow == null)
// not in the table so create a new row and add it
propRow = _TblSimpleProperty.NewRow();
propRow[_KeyColName] = prop.Key;
// update the column values
propRow[_BoolValueColName] = prop.BoolValue;
propRow[_IntValueColName] = prop.IntValue;
propRow[_FloatValueColName] = prop.FloatValue;
propRow[_StringValueColName] = prop.StringValue;
public void DeleteSimpleProperty(string key)
DataRow propRow = FindPropertyRow(key);
public SimpleProperty SetPropertyValue(string key, bool boolValue)
SimpleProperty prop = GetSimpleProperty(key);
prop.BoolValue = boolValue;
return prop;
public SimpleProperty SetPropertyValue(string key, int intValue)
SimpleProperty prop = GetSimpleProperty(key);
prop.IntValue = intValue;
return prop;
public SimpleProperty SetPropertyValue(string key, float floatValue)
SimpleProperty prop = GetSimpleProperty(key);
prop.FloatValue = floatValue;
return prop;
public SimpleProperty SetPropertyValue(string key, string stringValue)
SimpleProperty prop = GetSimpleProperty(key);
prop.StringValue = stringValue;
return prop;
public void Load()
FileInfo xmlFile = null;
StreamReader reader = null;
xmlFile = new FileInfo(_XmlPath);
if (xmlFile != null xmlFile.Exists)
// load the dataset if the file is there
_IsNew = false;
reader = xmlFile.OpenText();
_TblSimpleProperty = _DS.Tables[_TableName];
_ColSimplePropertyKey = _TblSimpleProperty.Columns[_KeyColName];
_TblSimpleProperty.DefaultView.Sort = _KeyColName;
Debug.Log("DataManager: Data Loaded!");
_IsNew = true;
Debug.Log("DataManager: " + _XmlPath + " does not exist, initializing data.");
_IsLoaded = true;
public void Save()
_DS.WriteXml(_XmlPath, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
void InitializeSchema()
//Create the default data table for storing our simple properties
_TblSimpleProperty = new DataTable(_TableName);
_ColSimplePropertyKey = new DataColumn(_KeyColName, typeof(string));
_ColSimplePropertyKey.AllowDBNull = false;
_TblSimpleProperty.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { _ColSimplePropertyKey };
_TblSimpleProperty.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(_BoolValueColName, typeof(bool)));
_TblSimpleProperty.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(_IntValueColName, typeof(int)));
_TblSimpleProperty.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(_FloatValueColName, typeof(float)));
_TblSimpleProperty.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(_StringValueColName, typeof(string)));
_TblSimpleProperty.DefaultView.Sort = _KeyColName;
Debug.Log("DataManager: Schema Initialized.");
// This embedded class is the object for the simple property objects
// stored in the SimpleProperty data table.
public class SimpleProperty
public string Key;
public bool BoolValue;
public int IntValue;
public float FloatValue;
public string StringValue;
public SimpleProperty(string key)
Key = key;
BoolValue = false;
IntValue = 0;
FloatValue = 0f;
StringValue = null;
public SimpleProperty(string key, bool boolValue, int intValue, float floatValue, string stringValue) : this(key)
BoolValue = boolValue;
IntValue = intValue;
FloatValue = floatValue;
StringValue = stringValue;
public SimpleProperty(string key, bool boolValue)
: this(key)
BoolValue = boolValue;
public SimpleProperty(string key, int intValue)
: this(key)
IntValue = intValue;
public SimpleProperty(string key, float floatValue)
: this(key)
FloatValue = floatValue;
public SimpleProperty(string key, string stringValue)
: this(key)
StringValue = stringValue;
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