Sample/OVRAvatarEntity - Only show head?


I am trying to make an experience, where only the head of a Meta Avatar is displayed.

I have changed the Manifestation Flag, to only be head in Creation Info, with a Third Person Active View. I have toggled Active Manifestation to be Everything and tried it with Head only, without any success.

Could anybody please advise me on what I might be doing wrong, or if this is even possible at the moment? I could envisage it being a later feature.

Thank you

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Hi! Did you find the solution? I have the same problem

I have not managed to fix this problem, as I have been/am preoccupied by other matters.

I did find an implementation has a better avatar system with ReadyPlayerMe integration, by Wolf3D. You are able to disable certain body parts with their asset, or simply change the render layer, however in this instance, the head is attached to the torso, making it less useful.

It isn’t the perfect solution, as I couldn’t solely use the head. It was helpful for removing other body parts though.