Sample Texture 2D node not displaying anything in Shader Graph

I recently reopened a Sprite Lit shader in Shader Graph–a shader that I’ve been using for years now to palette swap pixel art without issue. I swapped in a new sprite to serve as the main Texture2D, which worked fine. I added in some new Replace Color nodes, which also seemed to work fine. I saved the shader; everything seemed fine. However, upon testing the game, the shader now just displays blank gray boxes instead of sprites–and upon reopening the shader, not even the initial Sample Texture 2D node will preview anything:

What gives? I feel like I must be missing something simple here, but I’m not sure what it is.

Update: after comparing this to another shader that’s still working, I’ve just realized that every single node in the _CharacterSprite shader has been deactivated for some reason:

Unity Shader Graph Bug

I’m not sure what caused this or how to fix it–the two shaders have the same graph settings. Any ideas?

Update #2: I figured it out. Here’s the solution for anyone else who runs into this:

  • The Sprite Color (4) input on the Fragment was grayed out for some reason; only plugging the RGB values into Base Color(3) in the fragment reactivated all the nodes.
  • The preview issue within Shader Graph was fixed by choosing “Single” in lieu of “Inherit” for the Sample Texture 2D “Precision” node setting. (Why? I have no idea.)