Sampling a pixel from Texture2D not working on Quest 2

I’m trying to sample color from a pixel of a RenderTexture, using the method of copying the RT to a Texture2D and then sampling with GetPixel:

       = renderTex;
                tex2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, tex2D.width, tex2D.height), 0, 0);
                Color col = tex2D.GetPixelBilinear(pixelPos.x, pixelPos.y);

This works great on the editor, but when building for the quest it gives some weird behaviour: most of the time the color it returns is black (regardless of the real texture color), but every now and then it “flashes” the correct color for a single frame.
Couldn’t find a solution for this specific behaviour anywhere…

I have same issue. Did you solve it?

No. Had to work around it. Sorry.

Hi. Just found solution for my issue: GetPixel() fails on Android build

I just turned on read write on imported model (I’m using magicavoxel models) and now it works

it is unity bug and not android or oculus issue