Sampling Color from a Texture3D

My problem is very simple; I use a lightmap system to add tile based lighting where every 10 units is represented by one pixel in a Texture3D. This system works flawlessly with my C# script to sample the Color for sprites, they can move between tiles and change accurately with no issues. The issue I have is that when i try implementing this logic in a shader for the 3D tile objects, I get a confusing striped mess not representing the actual lightmap texture.

In this image demonstrating the issue, I have a randomized color lightmap texture of a size of 100x100x3, which should display as a different color on every tile until it loops outside of the bounds, however it ends up looking like this:

I use two subshaders to sample the Texture3D for 3D objects,

A shader is used to normalize the position for use in the next subshader, where the Normal Position is multiplied by the Normal Offset (typically a vector of (5, 5, 5)), then added to the Object Position and returned.

The result of this is then fed into the lightmap subshader, which takes the input position, multiplies it by a vector of (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), then divides by the texture size (in this case a vector of (100, 100, 3)), then this value is fed as the UV value of a Sample Texture 3D with a Sample State of Point Filter and Repeat Wrapping, and the result is then returned as a Color for use in any other shader.

When these shaders are in use, they are used as follows:

Input the World Position of the object and the World Space Normal Vector into NormalizePosShader (the first shader mentioned), then the result is input into LightmapShader as the position with the script set global variables of the Lightmap Texture3D and LightmapSize Vector3 input to result in the Color for use in the script.

I am unsure of if I am using incorrect math, or simply that I am incorrectly utilizing Texture3D, due to as stated previously, sprites working perfectly with this lightmap system.
This problem has had me stumped for nearly a year now and I’d love any help from those who have a deeper knowledge than I, thank you.

Additionally, apologies if anything is unclear, I will clarify if needed.