I am currently doing some test in order to launch unity application on the Samsung Family hub. The device support Tizen 3.0 Mobile profile.
I was easily able to install unity app on the refrigerator, but I have some trouble with orientation.
The device is using a resolution 1080x1920. I try to force the option inside the player settings to only use portrait mode but the application is always running using landscape mode so of course the rendering is incorrect.
I try to change to force in C# the screen resolution but it’s not working.
If I force the screen orientation to portrait inside the code, the application hang with really weird rendering.
I also try to override the tizen-manifest but so far no success.
Did you have any tips to force starting Unity on Tizen device with a specific resolution ? Or may be some other way to force the rendering to be in portrait mode.
@ I tried to change this Default orientation parameter but Portrait give this weird landscape resolution.
and when I try Landscape nothing happen.
@Masterfalcon , I understand but just in case do you try on mobile to force the resolution, force the portrait mode or landscape.
Anyway I will keep doing some experiment and let you know the issue or result I have.
If I am using screen.resolution, is there any way to refresh Unity after that, when I settled a new Width and Height, Unity do not update the resolution.
How did you get connected to your fridge? I’m trying to develop an app but didnt find how to transfert it to the fridge device. Didin;t work with tizen studio device manager.