Hello, I have write a half year ago regarding issue with texture corrupting. Situation didnt changes, I have checked a lot of things. Changed version of android, change shaders in Galaxy S II in Chainfire 3D but noting helps. My textures still looking like a cubic trash, not all but some of them. And it is really annoying, I think it is very common issue and want to have real resolve, nothing like check your shaders. Shaders is not up to terrain textures in my case.
Tried on Samsung Galaxy Nexus (the new one) everything is cool. So it is diffenetly issue with galaxy s2 but I dont trust that Unity3d developers didnt heard about that. Any ideas friends?
I have the same issues on the galaxy s2 and on the galaxy tab 10.1.
The problem is on the gpu itself.
As I can see you are using some kind of texture splatmap for the terrain.
The only way you can have some workable results is to use vertex blending for texture splating
and cut your terrain in smaller parts because of floating point accuracy issues.
I am fighting with these issues more then a year now.
Okay also I have tested Samsung Galaxy Note, same issue. It is good that you are fighting and post your opinion, as more people there would be as soon we will receive any info regarding this, how to repair, patch or something else. But I do not understand how other developers resolve this issue in upcoming games.
For vertex blending you mean camera rendering, vertex lit?
Real thing is written here: http://labs.10tons.com/2012/03/16/the-story-of-mali-400-mp-and-gl_rgb/
Also I have tested Chainfire 3D with different shaders and it also doesnt help.
I used some shader from ‘vertex painter’ in the asset store, where the blending info is stored in vertex alpha and white.
Also from my experience with these devices is to go for fixed pipeline in the shaders instead of sm2, at least for the terrain mesh.
However I still don’t have a good result because now I am facing floating point accuracy issues where the terrain vertices seem to tremble.
So I had to cut the terrain into smaller pieces. In the end the whole procedure is very frustrating …
What about resolution settings for terrain? I use mostly 400x400 and 400x800. And those settings :
submit a bug report or this isn’t getting fixed
elias_t could you please report a bug, I have issues with data transportation and it is not possible from my side.
I have already done that. But it seems unity ignores bug reports without a project attached.
I will try to send a new bug report in the next days.
Thanks, it would be awesome!
Any news?
Luna Rain. Since the last time I posted here I had an accident and I couldn’t send a bug report with a project file attached.
Consider sending a bug report with a sample scene describing the problem.
Luna Rain. After a lot of shader experiments I came to the conclusion that only using vertexPainter from the asset store can do your job.
If you buy this tool use the mobileVertexBlend_3tex_UNITY_lightmap.shader
elias_t sorry for late reply. Thank you, will check this shader, we would need it soon!