Ok i know that Blender has nothing to do with this website. however i do not know anyother website that is as great with answering questions as Unity3D. so if anyone knows anything about Blender 2.6’s Physics, Cloth making, and partical making please help me out and try to answer this question. i am trying to make a sandbag. easy enough right? well see i want it to be as realistic as possible, and im wanting to make sand (particle effect) inside the bag (cloth) but i do not want the sandbag to be flopping around if an object was to colide with it. im wanting the bag to move aswell as the sand inside. so lets say you were to punch the bag, the cloth moves inward and the sand moves with it (inside of the bag) its the same concept as if you were to take a bag filled with sand and drop it; what happens in that situation is what i am aiming for. i want the sandbag to haave gravity physics and a realistic effect to having it fall or bend. what i mean by bend is, lets say you take that sandbag(filled with sand) and you lean it up against a wall. you can see it bend. same thing if you lay it on a rock, the sandbag bends in the direction of the ground. If anyone knows what i am talking about and knows how to do these physics, making the Cloth for the bag, and particle effects please HELP ME thanks
you won´t get any answers here i guess.
try http://blenderartists.org/forum/forum.php
i´m a maya user. and to be honest i´d drop the physical correct approach. this is a massive task you´ve got. i´d do different things for each sitution. shot by shot. if an animation is your aim.
best of luck