Satellites placement. Where can I go from here?

Hi everyone!
So some time ago I made a small prototype of a game about placing satellites. Right now the player can launch them and set orbits. The satellites have different colors and ideally I’d make the ones of the same color collide when they meet. This means the core gameplay is lauching as many satellites as possible without them colliding or preventing such collisions whenever possible.

The very raw prototype can be seen here:

I’d like to hear your thoughts on the idea. Does this sound engaging enough to continue working on? Is this concept expandable? Eventually I’d like to turn it into a game about developing a space company, though I’m in doubts now on whether I should keep on creating it…

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

In my personal opinion, it’s never necessary to ask others whether you should pursue what inspires you. Firstly, there will always be both supporters and opponents of any idea in this universe. Some people enjoy simply tapping one spot on the screen in the most primitive “clicker,” while others crave brain-teasing puzzles or racing games. In short, tastes vary. So, continue to develop your idea further, and whether your game will be successful will be shown by the time after release.

Of course, if you’re only inspired by future profits, then perhaps it’s worth approaching the game genre more productively, studying the market, but in the end, you’ll still have to take the risk.

I tried to play the game using your link, but I couldn’t because everything is very laggy (possibly issues with my hardware). Also, I didn’t understand how the slider works and what the numbers in it mean.