[Save $600 Bundle offer!βœ…] Lumina GI-RealTime true Voxel based global illumination for URP-HDPR

** Lumina GI - Real time true Voxel based global illumination has been released at the Unity Asset Store !!!**

Lumina GI, is a new asset from ARTnGAME, that is targeting the creation of global illumination lighting in real time, with a voxelization method. The asset is for URP pipeline and is based on** SEGI **(Standard Piepline)

** Lumina GI ** is on -50% Initial Release discount ($44.5 versus $89) and can also be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for only $19 !!!

The new system is directly compatible with the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Ethereal Volumetric Lighting system and the two can be used together for cutting edge lighting and atmospheric effects.

** WIP Thread **

** Lumina GI - Real time true Voxel based global illumination ,** work on combination of the Global Illumination with the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Ethereal Volumetric Lighting system (2 photos and videos below). The two assets are made to be directly compatible and some samples of the combined demo work in progress is shown in the 2 images and video below.

Without Lumina GI

With Lumina GI

** ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit** - [Discount Offers]( [Save $600 upgrade offer!βœ…]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8239473)

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** Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination ,** work on testing GI stability.

This video showcases the advantages of a true Voxel based GI solution like LUMINA versus screen space solutions, the voxel based will remain fully stable at all times and camera views, even when the colors of walls or sun light is not visible, light and color wont flicker or disappear with every camera motion and rotation as in screen space solutions

The system will be upgradable from Sky Master ULTIMATE with a deep discount.

** ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit** - [Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!βœ…]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8239473)


LUMINA v2.0.9c

  • Fixed an issue in the new local lights GI method where mesh lights would not render correctly in local light GI mode.

  • Added demo combining the mesh lights and local spot and point lights GI mode

LUMINA v2.0.9b

  • Added extra features in the camera toggle system to stabilize further the transitions.

  • Added related demos to the new camera toggle features

  • Added new demos showcasing the handling of mesh lights and how to use layers to regulate the lighting independent of the mesh source.

LUMINA v2.0.9a (Major Update, changes in spot - point light handling)

  • Added fixes for the spot light handling and point light application in LUMINA space. Please upgrade with caution as local lights behavior may differ and need tweaking in the LUMINA script, shadowed local lights intensity. (Video)

  • Added camera toggle script and example, for the case that multiple cameras need to use LUMINA in succession. (Video)

  • Added new voxel based reflections demo (Video)

  • A new Beta version for the new Unity 6 URP RenderGraph, with base in Unity 2022, is now also available on request in Discord or Email.

LUMINA v2.0.8a

  • Added support for Forward and Forward+ modes, in addition to the default Deferred mode. This requires an extra renderer feature that provides the GBuffers to LUMINA.

Note this script will not work in Unity 6, thus a Unity 6 specific version has already been created and is currently available on demand, until the store release.

LUMINA v2.0.7c

  • Added Welcome screen for easy access to the LUMINA tutorial videos and assets information

  • Added notes on the new experimental Cascade system inside the demo scenes, for reference on the system current status.

  • Added new refined demos for the two and three cascades options (Video 1) - (Video 2)

LUMINA v2.0.6 (Major Update)

  • Uploaded from latest Unity 2021.3.34f1

  • Added new experimental Cascade system, that allows GI application in larger distances and keep the local detailed GI intact.

This experimental mode will be further developed to perfect in the coming versions.

  • Added new demo scenes showcasing the use of GI in outdoors environments.

  • Added new demos shawcasing the new experimental cascades mode.

LUMINA v2.0.5

  • Added extra control for Sky Ambience through the sky color Alpha channel.

(May require to adjust the Sky Color Alpha if get more sky brightness than before the change)

LUMINA v2.0.4

LUMINA v2.0.3

  • Added new demos with fully dark environment when the sun is not present (Video)

LUMINA v2.0.2

  • Added new Sponza demo with smoother effect of GI (Video)

  • Added sample demo of URP Decals, decal use is still not fully handled by the system (Video)

  • Added demo with smooth effect of moving thin mesh lights (Video)

LUMINA v2.0.1

  • Added new demos showcasing the use of the new Screen Space reflections module

  • Added new demos showcasing the use of the Sky Ambient Occlusion mode

  • Updated the LUMINA Manual PDF with the latest system options and light blocking methods


  • Added new patch for native use of URP for voxelization in Unity 202.3 LTS and above.

This is a experimental mode.

The setup requires a renderer in 5th place in the pipeline, configured in Shader replace mode with the voxelize shader as shown in images below:

LUMINA v1.9.1

  • Added new shrooms room demo scene with higher compelxity (Video).

(Windows Shroom Reflections Combination Demo)

(Windows Shrooms & Reflections Separate Demos)


  • Added new Screen Space reflection module (Video1 - Video2)

  • Added demo scenes for the new module


  • Added new classroom with mushrooms demo scene


  • Addressed warnings in Unity 2022

  • First adaptation of the system for Unity 2023 compatibility

  • Added new Iso Room demo and assets (Video 1)(Video 2)

  • Added new DX11 mode as default, with a patch for use only when the project is in DX12


  • Added fixes in Screen Space Reflections module, removed instance method and added checks for Main Camera and render texture size.

  • Added new demo scenes showcasing the advantages of true voxel based Global Illumination versus screen space methods. (Video)

  • Added new demo scene showcasing use of the system with Unity terrain and skinned meshes. (Video)


  • Added GI from local lights, Spot and Point lights will now cast GI in the environment.

LUMINA v1.4b

  • Added new version of the manual covering the latest Dither optimization and Approximation mode features.

LUMINA v1.4a

  • Fixed an issue where Lumina materials would conflict with Sky Master ULTIMATE URP materials and not be able to build when both are in the project.

  • Added new higher contrast mode.

  • Added extra checks for the new Temporal AA so wont affect other than main cameras.


  • Fixed an issue with the new Temporal AA Feature, where disabling it would not reset the main camera matrix and show another camera view than the expected.

  • Added new experimental Approximation mode in advanced settings, this mode allows the GI voxelization and tracing without the use of Geometry Shaders, which make it more compatible with various platforms that they are not supported, note that this has not yet been tested on such platforms like Mac yet, so is not guranteed to work on them. More testing on this will be peformed to annouce which extra platforms will be supported with this new mode. Also this mode is less accurate than the Geometry Shader normal operation.

  • Added multiple new demo scenes to showcase the new Approximation mode and refined scenes with the normal mode.

LUMINA v1.3b

  • Fixed an issue where Unity ram would be filled when on scene view and do a search in hierarchy, each time there is a toggle from scene to game view.

LUMINA v1.3a

  • Fixed an issue where Unity ram would be filled when on scene view and do a search in hierarchy, while in play mode.

LUMINA v1.3 (Major Update)

  • Fixed an issue where the texture of objects would be reduced in visibility when in shadows.

  • Fixed an issue where the scene objects in shadow would appear with a red tint. Note that this is fixed by setting the Contrast variable to zero, use slightly above zero to get a better and reddish definition for dusk scenes.

LUMINA v1.2e

  • Fixed an issue where Unity ram would be filled when on scene view and do a search in hierarchy, while in edit mode.

  • Fixed an issue with the new Temporal AA where the build would show a white screen.

LUMINA v1.2d

  • Added a β€œForce Flip UV” checkbox in the new Temporal AA renderer feature, enable it and then can toggle the UV vertical flip by using the β€œUse Flip UV” checkbox. This can help if in some cases and platforms the screen is vertically flipped. Image showing the options, for reference.

LUMINA v1.2c

  • Added new demos with optimizations and transition from indoor to outdoor, also using the player follow mode.

  • Added new temporal AA methods in order to reduce noise when reducing the sampling for enabling better visual quality. Make sure to enable the Post Processing on the forward renderer for the system to function properly.

LUMINA v1.2 (Major update)

  • Added fix for the scene normals, using the new β€œsmoothNormals” variable. It is recommended to set the variable to one, for exact scene normals, which give the most realistic result. Other values may be used for artistic effects.

  • Added new house demo scene showcasing GI applied on clean surfaces. (Video1)(Video2)

LUMINA v1.1d

  • Added new Screen Space reflections module for surface reflections and related demo scenes.

  • Added multiple new demo scenes showcasing GI color grab and application on clean surfaces.

LUMINA v1.1c

  • Added screen space reflection bonus module first version, to showcase the use of screen space object reflection combined with the voxel based fuzzy reflections.

  • Added new demos showcasing more perfected Global Illumination regulation, emissive particles and the bew screen space reflections module.

LUMINA v1.1b

  • Added extra demos shocasing more options for GI with clear walls (Image 1)(Image 2)

LUMINA v1.1a


  • Added new optimization controls for the skipping of polygons when very close by in a uniform way. Enabled by set one to the DitherControl.x and regulated by the divide factors y-z-w (cut back on trace directions, trace steps and reflection steps). With a divider by 2 in all optimizers get a direct 5-10fps gain with minimal visual impact (Video).

LUMINA v1.0g

  • Added reflections module first official version

  • Added better regulation of the emissive color effect on GI, through each Material’s color Alpha channel, lower alpha will increase the illumination effect

  • Added fix for use in Unity 2022.1.9f, regarding camera color target assignment

  • Added demos showcasing the new reflection options and also implementing Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Ethereal Volumetric Lighting (Require Sky Master ULTIMATE URP or Ethereal to enable the volumetric lighting effect).

First release, Beta 1.0f




There is no comparison in the video embedded above this statement as far as I can tell.

For me as a non-artist itβ€˜s difficult to make out the differences. I the very last pair of screenshots labelled β€žwith/withoutβ€œ I can see a difference but honestly, the β€žwithoutβ€œ version looks β€žbetterβ€œ to me. The Lumina version shows odd patches of brightness within shadows where I wouldnβ€˜t expect them. There are also β€žbanding patternsβ€œ on the pillar in the video I refer to.

Point being: as a non-artist I simply have no idea what to look at or why Lumina is superior. You may want to prepare screenshots or videos with a split-view showing the effect of Lumina directly compare to not using it. Highlight the areas within the image where Lumina stands out.

This looks like a serious effort, it would be a shame if the benefits went amiss among devs. Otoh maybe artists can spot the differences right away? I simply wouldnβ€˜t know.

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The difference refers to the stability of the effect than its visual traits or artistic quality, e.g. in screen space solutions when you look away from the color that emit the light or the light bounce spot, the effect completely disappears.

So the video shows how the LUMINA voxel based solution is perfectly stable at all camera orientations and movement.

That is the difference i am referring too, excuse if i have not mentioned this in the video somehow, will make sure to add in the comments.

Now artistically LUMINA would still be far superior, as it retains all the color information from any place in the scene and casts it around even of the colors and light spots are outside camera view, so also artistically by default the LUMINA is exponentially better than any screen space solution, as is the only accurate solution from a realism and true to life lighting point of view, which is what this type of assets is trying to achieve.

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination , Video Tutorial on use of the system.

** Lumina GI ** is on -50% Initial Release discount ($44.5 versus $89) and can also be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for only $19 !!!

The new system is directly compatible with the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Ethereal Volumetric Lighting system and the two can be used together for cutting edge lighting and atmospheric effects.

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination , HDRP version WIP, scene voxelization and GI application on scene are now finished.

** Lumina GI for URP** is on -50% Initial Release discount ($44.5 versus $89) and can also be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for only $19 !!!

The new system is directly compatible with the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Ethereal Volumetric Lighting system and the two can be used together for cutting edge lighting and atmospheric effects.

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination , HDRP version WIP, scene voxelization and GI application on scene are now finished and being tweaked with the scene blending.

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination , HDRP version WIP, the HDPR is now fully working, with all optimization modes available, now will be working on the details like adding reflections (which is WIP for URP as well) and temporal AA etc

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination , HDRP version WIP, the HDPR is now fully working, with all optimization modes available, now working on the details like adding reflections (which is WIP for URP as well) and temporal AA etc

Lumina GI - URP, quick fix for Unity 2022.1.9f1 (changes needed as the highlighted text shows), the fix is worked on Unity 2021.3 and will be released in the next update for direct compatibility in Unity 2022.1.9f1.

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination v1.0g has been submitted to the Unity Asset Store !!!

LUMINA GI URP update v1.0g

  • Added reflections module first official version
  • Added better regulation of the emissive color effect on GI, through each Material’s color Alpha channel, lower alpha will increase the illumination effect
  • Added fix for use in Unity 2022.1.9f, regarding camera color target assignment
  • Added demos showcasing the new reflection options and also implementing Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Ethereal Volumetric Lighting (Requires Sky Master ULTIMATE URP or Ethereal to enable the volumetric lighting effect).

** Lumina GI for URP** is on -50% Initial Release discount ($44.5 versus $89) and can also be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for only $19 !!!

The new system is directly compatible with the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Ethereal Volumetric Lighting system and the two can be used together for cutting edge lighting and atmospheric effects.

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination , testing reflections module and how it changes with the material properties.

Lumina GI - Real time true global illumination , HDRP BETA testing is starting soon !!!

All users of the current URP system can have access to the HDRP Beta before the store release, starting today. The HDRP asset will also be at a deep discount when released for all current users of LUMINA.

Please provide the invoice in a personal message here or in email and download LUMINA to enter the Beta, and will send links to the HDPR beta asap.

** Lumina GI for URP** is on -50% Initial Release discount ($44.5 versus $89) and can also be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for only $19 !!!

LAST DAY of the OFFER !!!

The new system is directly compatible with the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Ethereal Volumetric Lighting system and the two can be used together for cutting edge lighting and atmospheric effects (Video)

Users of LUMINA URP can now access the HDRP Beta by presenting the invoice in PM and download the store asset. A release of the HDRP asset will follow soon.

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Hi, i sent email for the HDRP Beta. Thanks

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Np, let me know for anything else

New Lumina GI optimization, for a direct 5-10fps gain with minor increase in noise (at 5fps gain, the noise is barely visible, in 10fps little more). This is a general optimization before the work for the cascaded version and will be available in next update for both URP and HDRP Beta.

** Lumina GI for URP** can be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for only $19 !!!

The new system is directly compatible with the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Ethereal Volumetric Lighting system and the two can be used together for cutting edge lighting and atmospheric effects (Video)

Users of LUMINA URP can now access the HDRP Beta by presenting the invoice in PM and download the store asset. A release of the HDRP asset will follow soon.