[Save $600 upgrade offer!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI

Great :), glad you like the pack

The time lapse is used to give a dramatic feeling, which was my initial vision. Seems that many users would like a more realistic setting though, so i will be adding an extra prefab with assets to cover that as well later.

I will also check the ideas about 2D, seems very interesting. Shadowing should be one of the hardest parts. Maybe i will start by doing a 2.5D version first, to see how it may look and then move to handling full 2D environments.

Some notes on the demos.

The clouds do not inherit speed from the speed slider, the slider only controls day cycle speed.

The cloud speed is set at a pre-specified value and can be changed at any point, depending on the mood and dynamics of the scene. I plan to add a mode to control cloud speed too later together with the day/night cycle, so everything is connected and time lapse effects can have clouds following too.

Clouds do change color and appear/dissapear based on season and time of day. Only their speed is pre-defined.

There are two parameters affecting the speed, one is the rotational speed of the whole cloud system and the other the particle emission rate and lifetime of each cloud.


I have found the problem with cloud speed in demos.

Seems that clouds move faster (inner particle motion) when using a faster PC than my laptop (that would be almost every PC out there i guess), where i develop and test the asset. So this version of the cloud speed adjustments would work best at slower systems or mobile.

I am working currently on a prefab that will be adjusted for faster PCs and have have more realistic cloud motion.

Also i will be looking to find why Shuriken does not remain the same between two different speed machines, my scripts use Time.Deltatime so they are framerate and PC speed independent, but Shuriken seems to be doing something wrong there, i will check why this happens. I am using “external forces” tab in Shuriken to apply the inner cloud motion to the cloud particles, so this may be the cause.

The new settings prefab will come in v1.2.5, along with a mobile optimized one.

There are also many more things in the works for the pack, i will post a complete list soon.

Thanks everyone for the input and the suggestions :slight_smile:

EDIT: The volumetric clouds do not have the varying speed per PC issue, since i control them with my script and is not based on Shuriken.

@nasos-303 - there is a sprite shadow creator on the asset store https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/12613
I have this, although I haven’t used it in some time. If I remember correctly, one sets the angle of the shadow for the 2D sprite. To have that sort of system for an entire 2D scene would be great. Probably not so simple, as one would have to take account of 2D objects in a scene that would fall under a shadow. That sort of thing has to be faked or setup manually, and can take an awful long time which is why it is almost never done, the end results not worth the effort in terms of audience reaction or appeal. It is never considered that much either because a lot of developers would not know how to do it, so even if an asset still took time to create that effect, it would at least be an option for those that would have no idea how to do it otherwise.

Such a complex system would be made easier if the game was 2.5D, beeing completly 2D would be rather hard to emulate with detail or realism.

I think there are some assets that do simple dynamic shadows, i will check what they do and see if it makes sense to try and offer such a solution for Sky Master.

The 2.5D though would be nice to have and since it can be done much easier, i plan to provide a demo for it soon.


I have been working on the cloud speed and soon i will be able to provide a demo with a more realistic approach to cloud speed and other minor fixes (sky sphere is now bigger so clouds do not cut through at a few spots, some lightning speed considerations etc)

A new video, showcasing the volumetric particle clouds and sun beam system.

Volumetric Haze video

All effects work in Unity Free.

Evenings are about to get more dramatic in summer and winter in the new prefab. New Shuriken particle cloud speeds (slower and more realistic), shader based flat clouds and more volumetric cloud controls in speed and lighting are coming in the next update.

Features planned for the next update:

  • Volumetric clouds will have local shadow, rain and lightning systems
  • More detailed lightning effect, with smaller line rendered based emissions from thecurrent effect
  • Shader based flat cloud bed dome, to emulate flat clouds without (or together with) particles
  • Many more options in volumetric cloud formations, more variance in shaping, motion and dynamics
  • More control options for fog
  • Option to have two suns at the same time
  • Dynamic Light beams with occlusion for other light sources besides the sun (spot & point).
  • Mountain adjusted volumetric clouds, for Skyrim like effect
  • Mobile friendly and realism focused prefabs of the sky system, together with new texture packs and shaders
  • The lightbeams will change their color according to the sun color in the next pack update.

Also please let me know if there are other features you would like to see in the pack.

A small demontration of what is possible with the artistic atmospheric scattering and sky rendering system.

@Nasos - Yes, a 2.5 d system would be great as well, the kind of games I’m thinking of would probably benefit more from a 2.5 D than a pure 2D anyway. Besides, once one starts down that road one never knows where it leads, could be that building a 2.5 d system suggests how to create a pure 2D system as well.

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I will start with the 2.5D and already have many ideas, especially for the volumetric clouds, i think would be great in such setting. And i will be working at that right away, since my current WIP on SKy master is new volumetric cloud formation and motion options, would be a great time to insert the 2.5D specific functionality at this point.

Also i have started uploading the new videos in Vimeo, that has far better quality than when i upload in youtube.

Here is the first one, showing some of the sky rendering options and artistic features like halo sun.


Some effects in the upcoming demo. I have integrated the volumetric controls in the prefab as well and this will be the base for the cloud motion control, that will be updated for v1.2.5. The clouds already have a wind option, this script will control them by changing the wind properly.

The introductory offer will be extended for a few more days.

Get the pack while it lasts for more than 50% discount.

The final price will be $80.

A note for Advanced FX Creator and Sky Master
The Advanced FX Creator contains the GI Proxy version without the Sky Master updates, so if both have to be in the same project, it is advised to install the Advanced FX Creator first and then Sky Master, in order to replace the GI Proxy files with the latest ones, that also support day/night cycle.

A note on cloud speed
The storm clouds speed in the demo prefab is made for a time lapse style. The speed can be adjusted by two means. One is the moving speed around the map that can be adjusted with the rotation script parameters, which is attached to the clouds and the other is by controlling the cloud speed from Shuriken properties, the external forces and initial speed tabs, plus any other forces and speeds that have been applied for the demo purposes.

A realistic non time lapse version of the main Sky Master prefab is also in the works and will have cloud speeds pre-adjusted.

Is PDM included in this asset, or just a subset of it?

Only a small subset that was relevant to the weather effects and adapted for them, plus some new features that are not in PDM yet, like the volumetric Haze particle system and the volumetric particle clouds system.
This first “ultimate” version of Sky Master contains the whole of GI Proxy as well. There will be a more affordable version after this one goes to the normal 80$ price, that will not include GI Proxy and cost around 50-60$.

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Holiday offer !!!

Buy Particle Dynamic Magic or Advanced FX Creator and get SkyMaster for free !!, vouchers will go to the first 4 that reply here and PM or email the invoice PDF.

Sky Master includes GI Proxy pack as well !!!.

One free Sky Master pack has been granded :slight_smile: from the offer.
Another 3 free packs remain !!! The offer will last until the end of the year.

Grab Sky Master for half price for a few more days.

The offer will last until end of December.