save a bool value in playerprefs?

Hello, I have multiple buttons in a menu panel where a player can choose out of the options. All buttons have the same script on them & I am trying to save its bool value. So that each time the scene is returned the bool is saved.

public Color col1, col2;
public bool chosen;
public Button[] btns;
public AudioSource click;

void Start()
    click = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
    chosen = (Playerprefs.GetInt("Chosen") != 0);

public void Selected() 
    chosen = true;
    GetComponent<Image>().color = col1;
    for (int i = 0; i < btns.Length; i++)
        btns*.GetComponent<Image>().color = col2;*

btns*.GetComponent().chosen = false;*
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(“Chosen”, (chosen ? 1 : 0));

If I’m understanding the code correctly, there isn’t anything unique about the “Chosen” value to define one button from the next. It’s either saving 0 or 1 meaning some button is selected or not. Which would be overwritten for each button. Maybe you could implement something like: + “Chosen”

as the key instead of just “Chosen” so that it would be unique to each button.