Save and Display Best Score

ok iv looked everywhere for this answer but i couldn't find it so i thought ill just post the question here.

i have the code below to collect point and display the score on a separate text mesh object (code is from ezgamesaver). all i would like now is to save the highest score in playerprefs and display it as BEST SCORE.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ScoreSlot1 : MonoBehaviour 
    public TextMesh scoreText;
    public ParticleEmitter particles;

    int value, score;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 
        value = int.Parse(name);

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c)
        if(c.gameObject.tag == "Score")
            score = int.Parse(scoreText.text);
            score += value;
            scoreText.text = score.ToString();

            particles.transform.position = c.gameObject.transform.position;


all help really really apriciated appreciated

Ok im going to post this as an answer and not a comment for simplicity reason, it sort of a solution but not the answer im looking for.

I inserted the code below above Destroy(c.gameObject); line

PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Player Score", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Player Score")+1);

and the code below in another scipt+gameobject to show the score

  var mystyle : GUIStyle;
function OnGUI () { savedhighscore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Player Score");
GUI.Label (Rect ((Screen.width/2)-150, 100, 300, 50), "Best Score : "+ savedhighscore, mystyle); 

This works, but the score keeps adding on top of the previous score, it does not save best/highest score, if someone could please edit the code for me to save the highest score, that would be really great.

hope im on the rite track, thanx in advance

I am new to unity…
I am a flash developer… but now a days it seems to be unity is BEST for using 3d effects,
I am developing games for global or social purpose… but i am facing a lot of problems to save my scores… so i am searching for the same…
After R&D I found some samples and tutorials
check these samples and tutorials, and tell me if you are familiar with all that.
Guys if You know anyThing about my problem… then please let me know…
thanxs… Gamers
waiting for you reply.