Save and Load Problem, Dont quite understand.

Hi, I have a problem.

I cant work out why I cant seem to load and unload a class with three lists in it.

It keeps giving me this cast error:

InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
EndlessManagerScript.LoadChunk (Vector3 fileNamePos) (at Assets/GAME ASSETS/SCRIPTS/EndlessManagerScript.cs:298)
PlayerControlScript.Update () (at Assets/_CUSTOM ASSETS/SCRIPTS/PlayerControlScript.cs:204)

My class is:

public  class blockData  

        public List<string> objectNamesToSerialize = new List<string>();
        public List<Int32> xPosToSerialize = new List<Int32>();
        public List<Int32> yPosToSerialize = new List<Int32>();


My save method is:


                Stream stream = File.Open(Application.dataPath + @"\Saves\Chunks\chunk " +  thisChunkFilenameNumber, FileMode.CreateNew);
                BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();

                   data.objectNamesToSerialize = objectNamesToSerialize;
                    data.xPosToSerialize = xPosToSerialize;
                    data.yPosToSerialize = yPosToSerialize;

                bformatter.Serialize(stream, data);

            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { print("SAVING ERROR!!!"); } //many more exception might happen, check documentation

And my loading script is just:

 public  void LoadChunk(Vector3 fileNamePos)
                Stream stream = new FileStream(Application.dataPath + @"\Saves\Chunks\chunk " + fileNamePos, FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
               BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();

                 data = new blockData();
       data.objectNamesToSerialize = ((List<string>) bformatter.Deserialize(stream));

            //  here is where I've tried lots of different ways of reading it, i even mucked around with 
            //  binaryReader and had the same problems.  It cant seem to cast back into a new
            //  instance of the blockdata class for some reason.

                File.Delete(Application.dataPath + @"\Saves\Chunks\chunk " + fileNamePos);

Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Thought I’d be able to save a list and then reload the list as is.
Could anyone help me please?

I got it lol. Don’t know why it didn’t work before except i was using the same variable for creating the area as well. So all I did was change data to dat so they wouldn’t conflict and it now seems to work I think.

Have to test it a bit more. The code i changed is:

blockData dat = bformatter.Deserialize(stream) as blockData;

thats all.