Save and Load Texture with System.IO FileStream

hi there,
i have some problems to load the saved texture. saving works fine, but loading not.
error is : Cannot implicitly convert type int' to UnityEngine.Texture2D’

here is my code :

Texture2D save_s01_texture;
void SaveTextureToFile (Texture2D texture, string filename){ 
	byte[] bytes;
	bytes = texture.EncodeToPNG();
	System.IO.FileStream fileSave;
	fileSave = new FileStream(Application.dataPath + "/Save/"+filename,FileMode.Create);
	System.IO.BinaryWriter binary;
	binary = new BinaryWriter(fileSave);

string filename = "s01_texture.png";
Texture2D loaded_s01_texture;
void LoadTextureFromFile (Texture2D texture, string filename){

	System.IO.FileStream fileLoad;
	fileLoad = new FileStream(Application.dataPath + "/Save/"+filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);
	loaded_s01_texture = fileLoad.ReadByte();

Just use System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes and ReadAllBytes instead. That way you can remove 90% of that code. e.g.:

void SaveTextureToFile (Texture2D texture, string filename) { 
    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes (filename, texture.EncodeToPNG());

I used this method, you can also use cloud save just by saving the string to cloud like the google cloud.
Hope this help! This is how I approach this kind of method, after all those reseach. :smiley:

You could try some of my sample apps here specially “Bytes Crafter - Unity Debug”
It has a simple debug window what is currently on process in the script.

public RawImage prevUserPhoto = ; This must be not null! Put a texture wd here!
public RawImage newUserPhoto = ; Leave this null. This is where decoded texture go.

ToLoad Image saved on PlayerPrefs as “string”

Texture2D newPhoto = new Texture2D (1, 1);
newPhoto.Apply ();
newUserPhoto = newPhoto;

ToSave Image from a Texture 2D which must be a “readable” and RGBA 32 format.

string stringData = Convert.ToBase64String (prevUserPhoto .EncodeToJPG ()); //1
PlayerPrefs.SetString(PhotoSaved, stringData );

But it doesn’t work while running on my phone