save and load

how can i save and load my level (scene)…?

i use unity iphone .


help please :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

you can not save scenes.
But you can save data related to the things in your scene through the regular file commands.
Loading is the same, just read and apply it to objects instead of writting

if you want to load a new scene, just use

Application.LoadLevel("_name of scene_");


Application.LoadLevel(_index from build settings_);

Currently player prefs dont work on iphone (fix is coming soon)
until then you can use this:

I apologize for my confusion …

My problem is that I want to save the last level (scene), so that when i quit and return to the game I find the level that I have done ,

example. I make the first level then the second then the third i quit and I open the game and would go back to the third level not to the first level .

thanks for the help and sorry for my English