Save changes made in Custom Editor

I’m working on an inventory system. I have a slot gameobject for every slot I have in my inventory.
Now I want to change the given item while in edit mode and have it in play mode aswell. Here is my current code.

[ExecuteInEditMode, SelectionBase]
public class InventorySlot : MonoBehaviour
    public Image spriteImage;

    public Text amountText;

    private InventoryItem _item = null;
    public InventoryItem item{ get { return _item; } set { _item = value; UpdateItem(); } }

    void Start()

    public void UpdateItem()
        if(_item != null)

public class InventorySlotEditor : Editor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        InventorySlot inventorySlot = (InventorySlot)target;

        InventoryItem newItem = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Item", inventorySlot.item, typeof(InventoryItem), false) as InventoryItem;

        if(inventorySlot.item != newItem)
            // Item changed
            inventorySlot.item = newItem != null ? newItem.Clone() : null;

        if(inventorySlot.item != null)
            int amount = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Amount", inventorySlot.item.amount);
            if(amount != inventorySlot.item.amount)
                // Amount changed
                inventorySlot.item.amount = amount;

The thing is, in edit mode everything works fine. But when I press play, my set item gets defaulted to null.
How can I force unity to save my changes?


Hi @antonberta ,

This is more likely happening because your _item variable is not being serialized and therefore not saved.

Try to replace this line:
private InventoryItem _item = null;

private InventoryItem _item = null;

You can find more information about it here: Unity - Scripting API: SerializeField

Good luck with your Inventory System!