Save Dialogs

hello, I’m trying to use ye old c# dialogs on my project, it needs the dll System.Windows.Forms that should be already accessible, but for some reason I had to import it (from unity’s mono folder) so the command SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); would work.

Now I’m able to save my file, but before the dialog appears, the error “could not register the window class win 32, error 0” is prompted twice the first time my saving function is called.
on this 1 error 0 appears as operation succesful, is this right?. If it’s not really an error, now how do I make these windows not appear on my build?

Windows.Forms are not present in the Unity mono and don’t work realiably either actually.

You are better of to write something basing on Unity GUI or meshes + textures than to use System.Windows.Forms, for your own good