Hi All,
I want my game to have an auto update function that will download new images/textures and save in the resources folder so next time the user opens the game he does not need to download it again (Will save a lot of bandwidth I guess).
I know you can download the file using www.texture … but after that how can I save it for another session or even offline use???

Use the System.IO namespace to read and write files.
Unity provides Application.persistentDataPath as the location of where to put files.
Does it work for every platafrom, android IOs and Windows? Or do I need to configure for every plataform?
It works for every platform, though in my experience it might take a little bit of work to get things working exactly right. Eg: I just ported Pug Run to be a Windows Store app (not the same a “desktop” application) and I found out that some .NET classes and functions had been reorganized, even though the exact same code worked on iOS and Android.