Save Load Dialogue

Hi im making a standalone version of our web game for our artists to use so that they can generate pre made content for the web, i was wanting just a simple save dialog so that they can save things to there local HDD.

I was using EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel which works well in the Editor but wont compile in a standalone app, is there a way to make this compile in a standalone app or something else that i can use?

This will only need to work in the windows environment, so im not worried about breaking cross platform compatibility.

You can’t use the editor classes at runtime but you may be interested in the Improved File Browser script from the Unify wiki.

Wow thanks, that works pretty well once you make all the modifications that are needed for windows that are listed in the thread, and im sure i can modify it for the slight additional functionality i need.

Seems to be an error with these lines

var nonMatchingDirectories = new List<string>();

should be

List<string> nonMatchingDirectories = new List<string>();

I think