Save multiple character against single player ID in GameSpark

I am working on MMO game.I have to save multiple character and its info against single ID because in my game a player can save multiple heroes (can play from single one). I created an event, but when user told db to create character it simply update last information.

 var CharacterDataList = Spark.runtimeCollection("CharacterData");
 var playerID = Spark.getPlayer().getPlayerId();
 var characterSelected = Spark.getData().CS;
 var weaponLevel = Spark.getData().WL;
 var cname = Spark.getData().NAME;
 var wins = Spark.getData().WINS;
 var loss = Spark.getData().LOSS;
 var gold = Spark.getData().GOLD;
 var currentCharacter = {
     "playerID": playerID,
     "characterSelected": characterSelected,
     "weaponLevel": weaponLevel,
     "name": cname,
     "wins": wins,
     "loss": loss,
     "gold": gold
 }; // we construct a new player from the data we are about to input into the player data
     "playerID": playerID
 }, //Looks for a doc with the id of the current player
     "$set": currentCharacter
 }, // Uses the $set mongo modifier to set old player data to the current player data
 true, // Create the document if it does not exist (upsert)
 false // This query will only affect a single object (multi)

Above code will run on cloud. How can I save new character against this id. I found a command of Insert but I don’t know how to use it in my case to Add information. The Unity Code is below.

    public void CreateCharacterData(){
    new GameSparks.Api.Requests.LogEventRequest ()
        .SetEventKey ("SAVE_CHARACTER_INFO")
        .SetEventAttribute ("CS", "Humans")
        .SetEventAttribute ("WL", 1)
        .SetEventAttribute ("NAME", "ghfsdgfsj")
        .SetEventAttribute ("WINS", 0)
        .SetEventAttribute ("LOSS", 0)
        .SetEventAttribute ("GOLD",100)
        .Send((GameSparks.Api.Responses.LogEventResponse obj) => {
                print("Added Character");

I found a link but I am still confused 1.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @muhammad_taha

You appear to be querying by playerId and updating the collection each time. If you wants to save multiple characters against one playerId, in your Cloud code before the update you should check does a document exist with the playerId and character ID. If it does, update this information. If it doesn’t exist, this is a new character, so insert the document instead.

Hope that helps - Sorry for delay in seeing your post. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with our support team via - we’d be happy to offer any further assistance.
