Save settings and load from a text file

Hi guys,
i have public class containing settings of game graphics,i want to set new values to those variables on game start up and save them on button save,
i have no idea how to do that, even thought i checked the Docs, i couldn’t understand …
Help me plz

public class GameSettings  {

    public int qualitylevel;
    public bool fullscreen;
    public int textureQuality;
    public int AA;
    public int vSync;
    public int resolution;
    public bool realtimeReflection;

PlayerPrefs are ideal for these kinds of settings.

I want a text file in case the user had problem with the video problems, so he can change it outside the game, you know what i mean … ?

Yes, makes sense. Then I’d suggest using JsonUtility to convert back and forth between your class and a JSON string. And then you can use normal C# file IO classes for loading and saving.

File.ReadAllText will read text from a file into a string. File.WriteAllText will write a string out to a file. And Application.persistentDataPath is a Unity property that will give you a path safe for storing application data.

Thank you,I’ll tell you if i’m having problem :wink:

Done, Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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