I am creating a game similar to fire emblem. I have a script that I attached to all of my player prefabs that I can edit all of the variables in in inspector. I want to be able to save and load the variables such as stat points and level and assign them to the correct entity of the “CharacterSheet” script. there are going to be about 12 variables to be saved per character and about 40 characters. So in total I need to save and load up to 500 variables and load them to the correct script.
Character sheet script for reference:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CharacterSheet : Character{
public string characterClass;
public int strength
get { return CurrentClass.Strength + baseStrength; }
public int magic
get { return CurrentClass.Magic + baseMagic; }
public int speed
get { return CurrentClass.Speed; }
public int agility
get { return CurrentClass.Agility + baseAgility; }
public int defense
get { return CurrentClass.Defense + baseDefense; }
public int luck
get { return CurrentClass.Luck + baseLuck; }
public int health
get { return CurrentClass.Health + baseHealth; }
void Start(){
if (characterClass == "FighterClass") {
CurrentClass = new FighterClass ();
} else if (characterClass == "MageClass") {
} else if (characterClass == "ArcherClass") {
} else if (characterClass == "SpearmanClass") {
//current level and exp
level = 1;
exp = 0;
neededExp = 100;
//Testing if variables are being assigned and working
Debug.Log (characterName);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassName);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassDescription);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassWeaponType);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassStrength);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassWeakness);
Debug.Log (strength);
Debug.Log (magic);
Debug.Log (speed);
Debug.Log (agility);
Debug.Log (defense);
Debug.Log (luck);
Debug.Log (health);
AddExp (10000);
//Calculates and determins if this character levels up and how many times they do when exp is given.
public static void AddExp(int EXP){
exp += EXP;
Debug.Log ( " gained " + EXP + " EXP!");
while (exp >= neededExp) {
level ++;
Debug.Log(" leveled up to " + level);
exp -= neededExp;
neededExp += 50;
Debug.Log (exp);
Debug.Log (neededExp);
Further to the above - you could use the XmlSerializer. Bang all your “CharacterSheets” into a collection and use the xmlserializer to save the whole thing.
Currently I am trying to do BinaryFormatter but I am not sure as to how to grab and assign variable to the correct entity of the script between saving and loading. I cant just say “playerdata.exp = charactersheet.exp” for saving and “charactersheet.exp = playerdata.exp” for loading. Becasue there will be almost 40 different entity’s of “charactersheet”, it will be very hard to reference each of the 40 prefabs and save/load up to 12 variables to each prefab.
How would that work though. let me give an example. I have 3 characters with the CharacterSheet script on them and they all have different values stored in each variable(Example: Character 1 HP: 5, Character 2 HP: 7, Character 3 HP: 11) If I put [Serializable] at the top of the CharacterSheet script, would it save all 3 variables and load them to their respective entity of that script or will it jumble all the numbers up and apply the same variable to all the scripts(Example: Character 1 HP: 5, Character 2 HP: 5, Character 3 HP: 5) .
Also I am getting an error:
InvalidOperationException: To be XML serializable, types which inherit from IEnumerable must have an implementation of Add(System.Object) at all levels of their inheritance hierarchy. UnityEngine.Transform does not implement Add(System.Object).
When you re-instantiate an entity from a save file, you’ll be loading up the saved character sheet data back into the entity, as long as that’s how it was serialized to the file. I’d like to know some reasons why you’d get “jumbled” numbers. One way I can think of is if you use a Dictionary or Set or something, since the order can’t be guaranteed. In this case, you should have at least some unique identifier for the character and its associated character sheet.
As long as it’s unique. Why not? One reason I can think that they might not be unique is NPCs. If you have a generic NPC, you could have them numbered or something. NPC01, NPC02, etc. The key is to make them unique. You’ll hear that a lot when identifying your item data. Unique Identifiers and Globally Unique Identifiers (guids), etc. This allows you to, well, identify any item in your game. This is especially useful when saving/loading. Because you can’t save references to file. Well, you can, but they won’t mean anything when you deserialize it. But you can save ids to reference an entity to its various data that its related to.
Oh, and one more step to be more pro, is it’s better to store unique ids as integers, rather than names. Storing names will eat up memory and disk usage, and is more error prone if the serialization process resolves the strings to variable length encoding. Better to serialize ids, and then map the ids to names in a different object.
Presumable CharacterSheet inherits from monobehaviour at some point - you don’t want to serialise the whole unity gameobject as it’ll be massive. Instead create a model (just a class) that contains the properties you need to save.
Alright. So any suggestions on how to ID things? If I am using Integers, how would I be able to tell the difference between a character, NPC, Enemy, Weapon, and item? Also how would I keep track of what has what ID?
public abstract class Character{
public ICharacterClass CurrentClass;
public string characterName;
public static int level;
public static int exp;
public static int neededExp;
public int baseStrength;
public int baseMagic;
public string baseSpeed = "DO NOT CHANGE";
public int baseAgility;
public int baseDefense;
public int baseLuck;
public int baseHealth;
public class CharacterSheet : Character{
public string characterClass;
public static bool alive = true;
public static bool characterActive = false;
public int strength
get { return CurrentClass.Strength + baseStrength; }
public int magic
get { return CurrentClass.Magic + baseMagic; }
public int speed
get { return CurrentClass.Speed; }
public int agility
get { return CurrentClass.Agility + baseAgility; }
public int defense
get { return CurrentClass.Defense + baseDefense; }
public int luck
get { return CurrentClass.Luck + baseLuck; }
public int health
get { return CurrentClass.Health + baseHealth; }
void Start(){
if (characterClass == "FighterClass") {
CurrentClass = new FighterClass ();
} else if (characterClass == "MageClass") {
} else if (characterClass == "ArcherClass") {
} else if (characterClass == "SpearmanClass") {
//current level and exp
level = 1;
exp = 0;
neededExp = 100;
//Testing if variables are being assigned and working
Debug.Log (characterName);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassName);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassDescription);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassWeaponType);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassStrength);
Debug.Log (CurrentClass.ClassWeakness);
Debug.Log (strength);
Debug.Log (magic);
Debug.Log (speed);
Debug.Log (agility);
Debug.Log (defense);
Debug.Log (luck);
Debug.Log (health);
AddExp (10000);
//Calculates and determins if this character levels up and how many times they do when exp is given.
public static void AddExp(int EXP){
exp += EXP;
Debug.Log ( " gained " + EXP + " EXP!");
while (exp >= neededExp) {
level ++;
Debug.Log(" leveled up to " + level);
exp -= neededExp;
neededExp += 50;
Debug.Log (exp);
Debug.Log (neededExp);
Just make another object which contains the properties you need to save, then when you want to save make an instance of it and copy values from CharacterSheet to it.