saving and loading character position

Hi all,

Im trying to save my characters position and load it back in when coming from a new level. heres the scenario:

level1: character walks around, clicks on a button and it loads level2: level 2 consists of a 360 panorama (so the player doesn’t exist here). when i exit level 2 and return to level1 id like the character to be set in the position it was last in.

any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Easiest way is to use playerprefs.
Change the positition to a string, and then save that string in playerprefs.
I modified some metods I used for something else, I have not tested if it work(and I made it fast), so it might need some tweaking, but take a look at this.

//This function will save position
public void SavePos()
StringBuilder playerPos = new StringBuilder();
//Run through the list and make a semicolon seperated list of positions.
playerPos.Append(pos.x).Append(" ").Append(pos.y).Append(" ").Append(pos.z);

savedString = playerPos.ToString();
	PlayerPrefs.SetString(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + "playerPosition", savedString);

Debug.Log("We saved the run: " + savedString);

//This function will load the saved string from a player pref and load it into a list.
public Transform LoadRun()//string posList)
	savedString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + "playerPosition");
	string[] values = savedString.Split(' ');
	Transform returnTransform = new Vector3(values[0],values[1],values[2]);

	return returnTransform;


Thanks @Tabu i should have mentioned im a total noob at scripting and still learning…ive never had to deal with strings yet so ill have a hunt online in the documentation to see if i can make sense of what you’ve written lol.

what i was trying to get working (in a test scene) was using playerprefs but in this form:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class trigger : MonoBehaviour {

    void Start()

    void OnTriggerEnter (Collider col)
        if (col.gameObject.tag == "trigger")
            Debug.Log("loading level");

    public void Back()
        Debug.Log("loading level and previous position");

    void load()
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("x") != null)
            transform.position = new Vector3(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("x"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("y"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("z"));

    void save()
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("x", transform.position.x);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("y", transform.position.y);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("z", transform.position.z);

in this test scene it has issues due to it re-spawning me in the trigger over and over again. am i able to spawn in a different location? what do you think?