Is there a way to save the current state of objects’ positions/rotations as the “unanimated” state of a GameObject?
I have a gameobject that animates its children with an Animator and a couple of keyframes. I would like to scrub to some point in the animation, and save that state (c.q. those positions and rotations) as a “default” or “un-animated” state of the object.
Scrub to some point:
In other words, I want to save the “red (animated) values” of all children of a gameobject:
Yes, you can go to the state you want to save its information by going to the top right of the transform and clicking copy component. Later on just go ahead and create a state and paste that component.
I managed to do it using the PlayModePersist plugin by setting the animation frame while the game is playing, checking “Persist” on all objects, then stopping the game.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: I’m not sure if related, but Unity’s cache was so corrupted after that I had to make a fresh clone from my repo.