saving button text

I am making a music ON/OFF button. I am using button text to show on/off. It is working okay but as soon as I change the scene the “OFF” text is turning back to “ON”. I want to save its status. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find anything. Tried Playerprefs but failed. here is my code.

void Start()
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey ("music")) 
   PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("music");

public void MuteToggle(){
		isMute = !isMute;
		if (isMute == true) {
			AudioListener.volume = 0;
			muteText.text = "OFF";
			PlayerPrefs.SetFloat ("music", 0);
		} else {
			AudioListener.volume = 1;
			muteText.text = "ON";
			PlayerPrefs.SetFloat ("music", 1);

I tried with toggle too but couldn’t succeed.

It doesn’t actually look like you’re saving or applying PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("music") anywhere. Why not try something like this:

void Start() {

   float music = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("music", 1.0f);
   AudioListener.volume = music;

    if (music == 1.0f) {

        muteText.text = "ON";
        isMute = false;

    } else {

        muteText.text = "OFF";
        isMute = true;


Replace your current Start() function with this, and at the start of the scene it’ll be applied.

Two things I’d suggest: use Set/GetInt() instead of float, if you plan to only have a toggle music button. If you plan to do a slider setup, then float is the way to go.

Secondly, your variable name, muteText, is a bit confusing. In my code snippet I followed your usage, but really if mute is on, volume is 0. Maybe change the name to musicText or something. Just a thought.