Saving Files and loading from Flash Drive?

I am using unity for a final project at school, I don’t currently have a personal computer. The school computers have all the software I need including unity installed on them. The issue is that these computers delete all files saved to them when they are restarted, so I can’t save my work.

I have all my 3D assets and textures (etc). saved on my flash drive, as well as my unity scene, but when I load them from my flash drive all of my objects and textures are null because Unity doesn’t know how to reference them from the flash drive.

Is there anything I can do to make sure that my scene is exactly the way I saved it when I load it? All of the files exist, I just need to make sure that unity knows where to load from when I open my project, otherwise there will be absolutely no way for me to get this done.

(the school computers are OSX, if that is relevant to answering).

You need to store the whole project folder you create. Scene files only contain references to internal links, not individual assets.

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