Saving/Loading data to Windows Phone 8

Last week I made a post in Unity Answers and unfortunately haven’t had much luck with it. My problem is that I can’t save/load custom data classes to Windows Phone 8. I can successfully save and load a custom class on Android/PC devices and I can also load XML files onto Windows Phone 8. However when I try to build this version for Windows Phone 8 I get an error about Binary Fortmatter, which after some research is not available on Windows Phone 8.

Below is a snippet of code I have used to load and save the type of data I require in my game. Is there a similar method available to Windows Phone 8 which will allow me to do this? After many hours of Googling, I’ve noticed some people use PlayerPrefs, but it’s a custom class in particular I require.

public void Load_Player()
	if(File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + k_PlayerInfoFileName))
		BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
		FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + k_PlayerInfoFileName, FileMode.Open);
		Player_Info data = (Player_Info)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(file);

		m_CurrentLevel_Normal = data.m_CurrentLevel;
		m_CurrentLevel = m_CurrentLevel_Normal;
		m_UnlockedLevel = data.m_UnlockedLevel;
		m_LevelScores = data.m_LevelScores;
		m_LevelScore_Survival = data.m_LevelScore_Survival;

public void Save_Player()
	BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
	FileStream file = null;
	// Check whether a player file already exists
	if(File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + k_PlayerInfoFileName))
   		file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + k_PlayerInfoFileName, FileMode.Open);
   		 file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + k_PlayerInfoFileName);
	Player_Info data = new Player_Info();
	data.m_CurrentLevel = m_CurrentLevel;
	data.m_UnlockedLevel = m_UnlockedLevel; 
	data.m_LevelScores = m_LevelScores;
	binaryFormatter.Serialize(file, data);

Thank you!

You can take a look at my JSON .NET port. Just beware that Unity broke some things regarding reflection in 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 so there is a workaround you have to use to get it working (copying the old WinRTLegacy.dll from 4.3.2 into your 4.3.3 / 4.3.4 installation) but they say it’s been fixed for the next release. They also advise against using Reflection on Windows Phone 8 because of performance / memory issues so don’t do too much loading / saving (definitely not per frame).