I got a nested structure of ScriptableObjects which I want to save and load from an .asset file.
So, I basically do this:
var bla = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Bla>();
var fileName = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save effect", "1.asset", "asset", "");
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(bla, fileName);
Where Bla and Bla2 are the following simple classes:
class Bla : ScriptableObject
public float A = 1;
public List<Bla2> TheList = new List<Bla2>();
class Bla2 : ScriptableObject
public float B = 3;
But the problem is that the list of Bla2 doesn’t get serialized automatically.
Trying to find a workaround I did the following:
foreach (var bla2 in bla.TheList)
AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(bla2, fileName);
And now data from the list gets serialized. But this was just an example. In real life I got lots of nested stuff inside the objects of the list which must be serialized too. So I’ll have to loop over all of them recursively using something like a visitor pattern or whatever.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a simpler way to do this?