Saving objects through scenes

Hello everybody, I’ve seen tons of questions about saving objects.
I found two different ways to do it: singleton or script like that

 public void Awake()

        if (FindObjectsOfType(GetType()).Length > 1)

But if two different objects will have the same script, they both will be deleted when game’ll be started.

In my case, I want several different objects to be saved through scenes. E.g. one insance of character class, and few managers. So, I can not just made character class singleton, or use script above to save different objects. What shall I do?

You need a combo of DontDestroyOnLoad and singleton type of pattern.

private static ObjectType instance;
void Start()
       if(instance == null) // This is first object, set the static reference
                 instance = this; 

So Start is only called once for all objects. First time this is called, instance is null so the first if statement gets called and this object is assigned to static instance, game object is set to DontDestroyOnLoad.

For any forthcoming call of Start for that type of object, instance is no longer null (because it is static so it is the same for all instances of the type). Since it is not null, the first statement is skipped and this duplicate item gets destroyed.

public void Awake()

In this way, all your characters would be saved through scenes.