Hi, I want to make an editor for myself so I can make levels for my game on the run on my phone or tablet. All I need to store is a string for an object type, 2d position, rotation and scale.
As a test I’ve managed to save to user prefs but I have each one as a user pref separately. Ie, obj1Type, obj1PoxX, obj1Posy etc which is really silly and obviously not what I want. I’ve read a bit about xml files but I’m a bit confused on the subject.
-Where would these xml files be stored?
-Is it possible I could save the data and send to my computer whenever I want?
-If I eventually wanted to roll it into an editor for users, could they send the data to me for moderation and then the game could download these files from my server?
-Stupid question, but could someone give me a super layman’s explanation of what serialization is?
-Is there a totally different path I should be following instead of using this method to save?
Thanks so much to anyone who provides some info.
Still struggling with this greatly, but have made a small amount of progress. I’ve created a class for the individual blocks and currently trying to store the name.
import System.Xml;
import System.Xml.Serialization;
public class Block {
public var name : String;
And then I’ve built a container like in the wiki - basically the same code except I change ‘Monster’ to ‘Block’
import System.Collections.Generic;
import System.Xml.Serialization;
public class BlockContainer {
public var Blocks : List.<Block> = new List.<Block>();
public function Save(path : String) {
print('saving blocks');
var serializer : XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(BlockContainer);
var stream : Stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
serializer.Serialize(stream, this);
public static function Load(path : String):BlockContainer {
var serializer : XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(BlockContainer);
var stream : Stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
var result : BlockContainer = serializer.Deserialize(stream) as BlockContainer;
return result;
public static function LoadFromText(text : String):BlockContainer {
var serializer : XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(BlockContainer);
return serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(text)) as BlockContainer;
Both of these classes seem to cause no errors. I’m able to create a new Block object in the code below. However, when I try to add that Block object to the List within BlockContainer, it seems nothing is happening. Likewise, calling the Save function on BlockContainer doesn’t reach the print statement I put in the class and also saves nothing. I’ve manually created the path in Application.persistentDataPath so I know it exists.
function testSaveScene() {
var path = Application.persistentDataPath + '/testSave.xml';
//var xmlStartData : String = '<BlockCollection><Blocks><Block><name>coreyDrake</name></Block></Blocks></BlockCollection>';
//var blockCollection : BlockContainer = BlockContainer.LoadFromText(xmlStartData);
var blockCollection = new BlockContainer();
var testBlock = new Block();
testBlock.name = 'corey';