Hi guys, I’m stuck here trying to figure out if there’s an efficient way to save skill allocations.
My situation is, I have 5 characters, and 5 job classes which are interchangeable between the characters. Each job has their own set of skills.
This is the best that I could muster up.
public string char;
public string job;
// job 1
public bool crush; // if equipped, gets true
public bool parry; // if equipped, gets true
public bool slam; // if equipped, gets true
// job 2
public bool magic; // if equipped, gets true
public bool evadeUp; // if equipped, gets true
void SaveSkill ()
if (char == "FirstChar" && job == "Warrior")
if (crush == true)
PlayerPrefs.setInt("FirstcharWarriorCrush", 1);
This means I have to go through all characters paired up with each job and its skills. I’ll probably need to write like a hundred of these PlayerPrefs…
Any efficient method here? Please do tell.