Saving takes long time: Hold on (busy for..) Menu.Save. Waiting for Unitys code to finish executing

For some reason my save times went from a few seconds to now a few minutes. There are no errors but it’s referencing ‘Menu.Save’ in the dialog save box. See screenshot.

Hold on (busy for…) Menu.Save. Waiting for Unitys code to finish executing

What could be causing this issue? I just finished deleting the Library and rebuilding it and that didnt seem to help.

I’m using HDRP 2021.3.9f1.

Any input would be much appreciated!

EDIT: Nevermind…it was EasySave!

Having the same issues out of the blue…did you find a fix ?

This was a while ago… As mentioned it was an asset that was causing it. Are you using any new assets that is causing it? Also try turning off Enter Play mode options in editor/project settings