Saving The Game?

Hi! in my game i have a main scene which is the main level where you play, and then i have the menu and a fake loading screen! However i want to save the main scene, all the objects, weather they are destroyed or created i need them saved to a file! and then loaded from a file when you enter the game.

I use the DontDestroyOnLoad function, however their is not much control over this and its not really ‘true’ saving, it also shows the objects in the menu scene etc, but i was wondering if i could use the don’t destroy on load function and save the data from that to a file and load that file again. Basically a don’t destroy on load file…

I am new to saving, however i am aware of player prefs but i dont know how to save and objects data or objects that have been destroyed or created.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:

Oh and all my objects are in a master asset object!

What you’re looking for is called Serialization, and it’s covered extensively in the Unity manual and blog.

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And this video too.

theres this, havent gotten around to using it myself, but his InputManager is real nice, might help ?

free MIT licensed Daemon3000 Save Utility

oh that was fast, thanks guys! i shall take a look at all of these and see what i can do! :slight_smile: