Unsupported texture format - needs to be ARGB32, RGBA32, RGB24, Alpha8 or DXT
What software should be used to save the image in the above format? I’ve tried saving this as max jpg and max png in Photoshop, but still get this error. Max jpg is typically RGB24…
The problem probably is in how Unity imports the texture by default, rather than how the texture image is being saved. At least, that’s what happened to me.
Click on the Texture in the Project, then in the Inspector for it, check at the bottom under the Default area for Format. There you can set the texture to be imported as whatever format is needed, including one of those that the procedural texture fetch is requiring.
JPG is a compressed format - the top listed formats are uncompressed specifications. Take a look at the Unity import docs and the import settings for the texture - that’s where you’ll set the format that you want Unity to convert the texture to on import.