Saving Xcode configuration?

When I select File->Build Settings->Build Run, Xcode comes up with no SDK selected. So I select the Active SDK, Configuration, etc. When I put in the correct values for Active SDK etc., and try to save the configuration, the Save buttons are grayed out.

Is it possible to save the configuration state of Xcode in Unity?

I found one way to save Xcode’s state in Unity - In Xcode->File->Make a Snapshot.

Then when Xcode comes up again, File->SnapShots->Restore brings back Xcode’s previous settings.

Actually I found another way to have Xcode come up with it’s previous settings. In Unity after File->Build Settings->Build and Run->Save then select Append and the previous settings return. I was selecting Replace at this point, and that was overwriting the old settings, and then Xcode came up with some default settings from somewhere unknown.

go to application unity iphone and then on unity check the package, go to the frameworks and modify the trampoline :slight_smile: thats what new projects come from.

with unity iphone 1.5 though that isn’t needed anymore. you can alter the project once and later only use append instead of replace. then the project settings aren’t touched

I swear Dreamora, sometimes it feels like groundhog day. Do you cut and paste this response each time? lol.

I commend you for your patience!
(what a great community)

@dreamora: Can you tell me a bit more regarding your suggestion?

  1. Do I go to the Application directory that has Unity iPhone in it?

  2. What do you mean by “…on unity check the package”?
    Do you mean import a package into Unity? If so, which one?

  3. What do you mean by “… go to the frameworks”?

  4. What is the trampoline in “…modify the trampoline”? Is Trampoline a
    a file? Or a Package?

Looking forward to clarification of your insight.

Step 2 - 4: Once you are in the application package of unity iphone, you will understand step 3 and 4, as they relate to folder names directly when contents is your root

  1. In the Application directory there is:

Unity iPhone → Standard Packages → iPhone Standard Assets.unityPackage

  1. In the Pro Standard Assets there are the folders:

Glass Refraction
Image Based

In all of these folders I don’t see any frameworks or trampoline. Am I looking in the right place?

Right click on the Unity and choose “Show Package Contents”

Thanks gtjuggler! That was the last clue I needed to parse the instructions:

Following is the step by step recipe:

  1. In Finder go to Application->UnityiPhone and right click on the executable Unity iPhone.

  2. Select Show Package Contents

  3. Navigate to Contents->Frameworks → iPhone-Trampoline and double click on Unity-iphone.xcodeproj.

  4. Make your changes to this Xcode project as this is what will be used when you compile your game.

  5. The advantage of this approach is that if you use Replace when building, you can still use your saved settings.

Thanks for everyone’s help!

  1. You normally would only want to use replace for a full reset of the project, for example if you messed up the sources for an own extension and alike.
    Otherwise append is the primary button for most :slight_smile: