Say hello to the new Starter Asset packages

Same Problem for me. My unity version is 2022.3.25 LTS

The error:

Did you do what the error message says to do?

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I’m working on a Character Controller asset I’d like to publish to the Asset store. I really love the character in this Starter Assets package. Am I allowed to include the character model and animations from this Starter Assets package in my own package and publish it to the asset store? That would be so amazingly useful if so since I don’t have experience with character modeling or animation.


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Is it possible to make two adjustments to the Starter Assets: Character Controllers | URP package:

  • Change line 20 in Assets/Starter Assets/Editor/ThirdPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs from
    var thirdPersonControllers = FindObjectsOfType<ThirdPersonController>(); to
    var thirdPersonControllers = FindObjectsByType<ThirdPersonController>(FindObjectsSortMode.None); to get rid of the obsolete warning? The same goes for line 53.

  • Make it possible to upgrade to Cinemachine 3.1.0? If I do that now, I am getting the following message:
    Assets/Starter Assets/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs(6,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Cinemachine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Thanks in advance!

I want to add a new animation to the Animator, but when I do this, the walk/run animation doesn’t work anymore (jump animation is ok, and I can also play my new animation).
It seems that the Animator doesn’t get the move speed (float “speed” in the Animator stays at 0 at runtime, and the character just “slides” around).
Any advice ?

Looks like my students are upgrading to cinemachine 3, and this asset has not been upgraded as of yet. Is that going to happen? or am I going to need to have them downgrade?

I will show you something that will fix the issue. Not sure if you have done this already, but when you upgrade to Unity.Cinemachine 3 the Assembly Definition is changed. Check the image below and you might see the different. Just add those 2 Assembly there, apply and the error in the code will be resolved.
You will still see some deprecated stuff in that code, but only warning will be thrown at you.

This above also goes to @vpinto

Hope this helps resolved any issues you may have with upgrading to Cinemachine 3.

Happy coding.

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When you download and import this asset using unity 6 and you set your platform to Android and you build it to any Android device none of the mobile controls work at all and even the touch screen doesn’t work as the input touches is always equal to zero. Input.touchCount = 0 always

Thank you so much ! Posting on my discords for fellow partners. Happy coding to you too !

Hi i have been using this assest but i have problem how i can change its avatar to my own character that i want?

I have two questions:

  1. How to pause input properly to make player stop? Any functions built in?
  2. How to switch between mobile controls and PC by script? For example for WebGL builds where it can run both on PC and mobile browser.
