SC Post Effects Pack [Built-in/URP] - 34 additional effects

Compatibility | Documentation | Asset Store

This package extends Unity’s Post Processing Stack (v2) with 33 additional screen effects. Aiming to provide visual enhancers or feedback effects.

[Snipped. Please see the store page for up-to-date information]


Beta process:

  • Check mobile compatibility
  • Auto-install PostProcessing package in Unity 2018.1+
  • Revised demo scene containing all effects



  • Blur effect
  • Ambient Occlusion 2D effect
  • Lens flares effect (expiremental)
  • Mosaic effect


  • Refraction offsetting entire screen in some cases


  • Converted sample refraction normal maps to DUDV maps



  • Intensity parameter to Screen Gradient and Overlays effects
  • Demo scene



  • Volume blending example scene
  • Volume trigger example scene (+ script)


  • Single-Pass Stereo VR fixes for:
    *Edge Detection
    *Color Split
    *Double Vision
  • Color Depth effect was renamed to “Posterize”
  • Clearer instructions window in Unity 2018.1


  • Bloom buffer option from Lens Flare effect



  • Auto installation of Post Processing Stack package in Unity 2018.1+

  • New effects:

  • Radial Blur
  • Lens flares
  • Light streaks:
  • High quality mode
  • Direction parameter
  • Double Vision:
  • Edges mode
  • Edge Detection:
  • Distance fade parameter


  • Lensflares was renamed to “Light streaks”
  • Color Washing was renamed to “3D Hue Shift”
  • Improved threshold behaviour for Light Streaks effect
  • Blur, code improvements
  • Certains effect now skip rendering when effect isn’t visible


  • “DX11 Assertion failed” error for all shaders

(Sorry, I stopped updating the changelog here. The full changelog is always included in the package)

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Submitted the package for approval! This will probably take between 2-4 weeks, before it is reviewed.

I’ve added a “Blur” effect, which I will add in the following update.

If anyone has any suggestions for any effects that have wide uses, I’m open to suggestions!

EDIT: Also added a Box blur method next to this Gaussian blur, it’s a lot cheaper :wink:

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Added an Ambient Occlusion effect (LBAO) designed for 2D games:

It could also be used for a 3D scene, but it’s luminance-based, so the result wouldn’t be a great as the default AO post effect.

Added a pseudo lens flares effect. It has the option to either use the bloom buffer, or the scene’s luminance.

Exaggerated example:

Package has been approved, and is now available at $10 during beta :smile:

Any feedback would be welcome! If you encounter any issue, or have questions please let me know :wink:

Is this asset working with unity 2018.1 and SRP?

I’ve tested it in 2018.1b9 in the new Unity Fontaineblaue demo (which uses the SRP) without any issues.

But in 2018.1b10 some things changed, which causes some minor issues. So I’m submitting a separate version for 2018.1 today, which will work in the latest beta version. Due to GDC, the approval time may be longer than usual (1-4 business days).

I’ll check again for any errors and issue when 2018.1 releases, which should be somewhere this month :slight_smile:


Including a demo scene with this update, which allows you to preview all the effects


  • Intensity parameter to Screen Gradient and Overlays effects
  • Demo scene

Updated trailer, which also shows the two new demo scenes that demonstrate the use of volume blending and triggering (script included)

I have an Oculus Rift on the way, so I’ll be testing out VR compatibility pretty soon!

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Changelog for version 0.3.0


  • Volume blending example scene
  • Volume trigger example scene (+ script)


  • Single-Pass Stereo VR fixes for:
    *Edge Detection
    *Color Split
    *Double Vision
  • Color Depth effect was renamed to “Posterize”
  • Clearer instructions window in Unity 2018.1


  • Bloom buffer option from Lens Flare effect

I notice with VR, that some effects will not look correct in the Game View, but will in the headset. Currently, the only effects that don’t work in VR are Ambient Occlusion 2D and Box Blur (Gaussian blur works fine).

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Looks great!
Is there any chance to have a working demo download link (Windows)? :slight_smile:
Once I’m going to have some more spare time I’d love to test it on my VR devices as well :slight_smile:

Sure thing! Here is an executable of the demo rooms scene:

I couldn’t enable VR, since when I start the build there is only a black screen. This also happened in an empty project and and scene, even the VR samples project. So there must be something wrong with my Oculus set up…

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Thanks for the link! I’m sold!

I’m pretty sure all VR and project issues are going to be solved as soon as the asset gets out of its beta stage :slight_smile:

(collateral detail: enforce player’s Y position in the demo, since it’s possible to climb the capsule in the gradient fog room. And, there’s no gravity to enter other rooms :slight_smile: )

Working on the next update, I’ve revised some of the installation process, if the Post Processing Stack is not already installed in the project, it will automatically be installed through the Package Manager. Currently, when importing the package, the console is flooded with errors until the Post Processing Stack is manually installed.

Other than that, I will be adding two effects designed for the Lightweight Render Pipeline: a bloom and vignette effect. The intend is to achieve a similar effect to the built-in Unity version but at a smaller performance cost.

I’ll also be looking into a lens flare effect. The current “Lens Flares” effect is being renamed to “Light Streaks”, which is more fitting :stuck_out_tongue:

Before the final version can be released I still have to fix the "Assertion failed" error that keeps popping up

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I was about to make a feature request for them. Can’t be happier :slight_smile:

Actually the official versions are giving me headaches on mobile + Oreo for some reason, but not on older mobiles.
And, the bloom FX is not so evident, especially with HDR on, for some reason.

Looking forward the next update!

One effect that I always can’t find is retina persistence. I had to code it myself on other engines.
I’m not talking about getting blinded by flashbangs, I’m talking about the light trails left by incandescent lights when they move. Sort of a mixed bloom/motion blur, but I usually approximated it with applying a threshold on the current frame to cut just the brightest bits, saving it for the next frame, adding it on top, and then fading the buffered image for later use.
Now that I’m describing it, it’s more like a full screen motion blur with a threshold and a very slow fade out.
Just an idea :slight_smile:

This sounds similar to the old Unity “Camera motion blur” image effects. I tried to recreate it, but didn’t manage to translate it to the new command buffer structure.

I’ll give it another shot at some point, after which it should be relatively easy to make the “Light trails” effect you described.

Making headway on the Lightweight Bloom effect. Can achieve similar effects to the Unity Bloom. Because of the technique used, the range is limited, so cinematic bloom is out of the question. Then again, anyone going for “Lightweight” isn’t going for cinematic.

Haven’t benchmarked the performance difference yet, in theory there are fewer and simpler steps involved, so it should be faster.

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Lens flares is coming along, this image uses Unity Bloom+SCPE Light streaks+SCPE Lensflares


The effect takes a color gradient which colors the ghosting effect depending on its distance. But can also take on the color of the light source.

Still need to add halo’s though


Any possibility of an effect that blends ‘fog’ to the skybox, similar to both in deferred and forward? Thinking of something that would work with the LWRP, but looks outwardly similar to the fog system in the HDRP.

Alternatively, blending to a given cubemap or similar would be equally useful.
