I have my human character model and I brought him into the Island Demo and scaled his eye height to be the same as the first person controller camera in the Island Demo. He fits fine with the bridges and other models in the scene.
So I start creating my own scene and try it out with the first person controller and am surprised the scale of my models is much larger than the controller.
Will the Island Demo scale work fine with the physics and issues as stated at the bottom of this manual page? Unity - Manual: Rigidbody component reference
Or should I use the Hero model from the Locomotion Demo as my scale?
When I found my scale was off, I brought in Lerps, the Island Demo bridges and the first person controller into one scene to compare the sizes. (See the picture below.)
So what should I be scaling my models to? Is the Island Demo first person controller camera eye height okay? And will it work with physics and colliders?