Scale and position of 3d objects reset after unity 6 upgrade


I upgraded my project from Unity 2021.3 to Unity 6, but now all the 3D objects in the scenes look completely messed up. The scale and position values look the same in Unity 6 and 2021.3, but the actual objects’ scale and position are not the same. They seem to have defaulted and centered after the upgrade. Does anybody have an idea why this may happen?

Screenshot example of one of the objects (containing many other child 3d objects that were reset and centered)

Unity 2021.3 (correct):

Unity 6 (wrong - it was supposed to be the same object, but now all the child objects are much bigger and everything is centered after the upgrade):

Update: I found out that unity 6 changed the ‘scale factor’ value in the model import dialog of all the 3d models in the projects to random numbers, that’s why all the models were in different sizes although the transform values in the inspector were the same as in the old unity, so I had to change them into random values again until I found the correct scale factor value and the models came into place (it had nothing to do with the scale factor values in the old unity as well)… why this has happened after an upgrade to unity 6? who knows.