Scaling a group of meshes framerate drops with 75%

I have a scene where I have grouped a small number of meshes by using an empty game object. On the empty game object I am applying a scale using the iTween library, method ScaleAdd. Frame rate drops with 75%. When I do the same using rotate or move the frame rate doesn’t change a lot.
The meshes all use the same material and have a rigidbody and mesh collider attached. I have checked performance by changing shaders, materials, turning off lights etc.

To show you what I mean I have uploaded a screen cast. Hopefully, someone can explain why this is happening.

Here is the cast:Screen cast

You should try Profiler view in Unity - it would pin point the problem immediately.

Problem in your case is that you have a collider and you want to scale your object. Physics can’t have scaled colliders, so when you scale it physics has to apply scale on the collider. That’s what’s taking most of the time. You have to either not use collider on your scaled object or not use scale.