hey all, so im working on my UI for my game and i have an issue, since i want to have my UI rotating and moving around the screen, im using planes with textures on for things like the scoreboard, pause pop up menu ect.
my problem is i need the plane to stay th same scale on every resolution, i also have a zoom in and out function in my game but when i zoom in, i also zoom into the UI plane, which makes it fill the screen…
i used to have guitextures until i wanted to animate the UI and i solved this then by using this
function Start () {
var DivideX= 1024/guiTexture.pixelInset.x;
var DivideY= 600/guiTexture.pixelInset.y;
var DivideWidth=1024/guiTexture.pixelInset.width;
var DivideHeight=600/guiTexture.pixelInset.height;
guiTexture.pixelInset = Rect(Screen.width/DivideX,Screen.height/DivideY,Screen.width/DivideWidth,Screen.height/DivideHeight);
as you can tell this wont work on my plane… any help would be great =]