What is the right way to scale GUI buttons to be the right size on different mobile screen sizes and densities?
I know two approaches to scale the gui resolution independently.
One way is using GUI.matrix and multiply it with Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(factor, factor, factor)). That will everything scale up or down including fonts. When I needed a gui scaling, that method didn’t fit my needs so I calculated it on my own and built an android-like scale system.
In c# I wrote extension methods to convert the values (simplified code). I wrote a lot of them for int, float, rect, vectors, GuiStyle,… E.g.
@Edit: class added
public static class DisplayMetricsUtil
public enum ResolutionType
private const float DEFAULT_DPI = 160.0f;
private static bool isScreenSizeInitialized = false;
private static Rect ScreenSize;
public static Vector2 DpToPixel(this Vector2 vector)
return new Vector2(vector.x.DpToPixel(), vector.y.DpToPixel());
public static Vector3 DpToPixel(this Vector3 vector)
return new Vector3(vector.x.DpToPixel(), vector.y.DpToPixel(), vector.z.DpToPixel());
public static Rect DpToPixel(this Rect rect)
return new Rect(rect.x.DpToPixel(), rect.y.DpToPixel(), rect.width.DpToPixel(), rect.height.DpToPixel());
public static int DpToPixel(this int dp)
// Convert the dps to pixels
return (int) (dp * GetScale() + 0.5f);
public static int DpToPixel(this float dp)
// Convert the dps to pixels
return (int) (dp * GetScale() + 0.5f);
public static int PixelToDp(this int px)
// Convert the pxs to dps
return (int) (px / GetScale() - 0.5f);
public static int PixelToDp(this float px)
// Convert the pxs to dps
return (int) (px / GetScale() - 0.5f);
public static GUIStyle DpToPixel(this GUIStyle style)
GUIStyle stylePx = new GUIStyle(style);
stylePx.border = stylePx.border.DpToPixel();
stylePx.padding = stylePx.padding.DpToPixel();
stylePx.margin = stylePx.margin.DpToPixel();
stylePx.overflow = stylePx.overflow.DpToPixel();
stylePx.contentOffset = stylePx.contentOffset.DpToPixel();
stylePx.fixedWidth = stylePx.fixedWidth.DpToPixel();
stylePx.fixedHeight = stylePx.fixedHeight.DpToPixel();
stylePx.fontSize = stylePx.fontSize.DpToPixel();
return stylePx;
public static RectOffset DpToPixel(this RectOffset rectOffset)
return new RectOffset(
public static Rect ScreenSizeDpUnit()
ScreenSize = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width.PixelToDp(), Screen.height.PixelToDp());
isScreenSizeInitialized = true;
return ScreenSize;
//e.g. switch fonts to have the correct fontsize.
public static ResolutionType GetResolutionType()
float scale = GetDPI() / DEFAULT_DPI;
ResolutionType res;
if(scale > 1.5f)
res = DisplayMetricsUtil.ResolutionType.xhdpi;
else if(scale > 1f)
res = DisplayMetricsUtil.ResolutionType.hdpi;
else if(scale > 0.75f)
res = DisplayMetricsUtil.ResolutionType.mdpi;
res = DisplayMetricsUtil.ResolutionType.ldpi;
return res;
private static float GetDPI()
return Screen.dpi == 0 ? DEFAULT_DPI : Screen.dpi;
private static float GetScale()
return GetDPI() / DEFAULT_DPI;