Hi ! Here is a first preview ( this is the high poly) of the next pack for the asset store.
I used reality capture to scan a french 15th century armor. My goal is to create a knight character with a customizable appearence: Helmet, medieval hat or nothing on the head, a lot of alternative textures for the tabard, etc …
The biggest difficulties will be the rigging of the tabard and the different layers of clothes
I will use Substance Painter for the textures. There will be standard and HDRP version.
I am still thinking about the polycount. Knowing I want to create a good detailed model, how many triangles for this character would you advise me guys ?
I have finished the retopology ( 25K triangles) for the body and here is the first try for texturing (with substance painter).
The renders are done with HDRP.
Now, before doing retopoly/ texturing of the weapons and details ( purse, tabard, others visor, etc), I am going to skin and rig it.
i would have gone for a more monotone colormap(for example the red wires pop out too much)
also i would have done the under armor(the white padding) darker.
I am still working on the skinning and it will be soon finished. But before to show the result, here is some nice in game render of the longsword and dagger. However, this is not photogrammetry but classical modelling.
Hi everyone ! I
I would like advices and help about meshes overlay. The differents clothes layers are ovelaying ( and a litlle bit more whith animation). I would like know how to fix this easily. Thanks !
Here is the knight with the coat of arms and clothes overlay :
The head has been remade: it is customizable ( Hair and beard, LODs and blend shapes, and also texture variations: clean and dirt face/ chort hair and bald).