Scene Don't Load On Packed Mode and on Build (RemotePath)

starting using addressables to load scenes and dependecies from remote bundle. i configurate everything but it worked with virtual and play mode but when i changed to Remote it stop working.

error that has been showed using Packed Mode.

Addressables - initialization failed.

to help here its some content to how i setup everything.

Here it is my iis Local Server.

now the Group config that i create to be on the remote server.

now the addressable panel showing that in preview everything is a ok.

in the first scene(the one that will be in the build) has a scripting here is the inspector of the script.


Here is the addressable inspector again showing more things

and remember everything work like a charm when using virtual and play mode but using the remote it give errors and like i showed on images i have the server up and running.

Code i’m using:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class LoadAdressableScene : MonoBehaviour

    public AssetReference AssetToLoad;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //AssetToLoad.LoadAsset<scene>().Completed += OnAssetReferenceLoaded;
        Addressables.PreloadDependencies(AssetToLoad, null);
        Addressables.LoadScene(AssetToLoad).Completed += OnCompleted;

    private void OnCompleted(IAsyncOperation<Scene> obj)
        Debug.Log("Scene Load Complete");

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

Using Unity 2018.2.6f1 and Addressables System 0.3.5-preview


I have the same issue , can you help us @unity_bill

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Same issue

I’ve solved my case by cleaning addressables before build.

In Addressables Window - Build - Clean - All Cached Data

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in my case, this didn’t worked!

Instead of using clean all i first used the Clean Addressable Cache then Build Pipeline Cache that solve it. sometimes the problem occur again and i have to clean both caches again.

Glad you all got to the bottom of this. You shouldn’t need to clean that cache, so it’s definitely a bug that you’ve run into this. I’ve filed it in our system and will update once we get to the bottom of it.

Thanks for trying out addressables, and being diligent in getting to the bottom of things.


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Fellas, a little help please? When you drag a scene to the Addressables window Unity knows all the dependecies it has, right?
But what should I copy to the remote path? Just the scene file? Or should I make an assetbundle of the scene, and copy that to the remote path?