Scene entirely different between Mobile and Standalone with Standard Shader

Hi there, I’m trying to create a scene with standard shaders and GI, after a few adjust, my scene looks exactly what I want in editor but when I build and run it on my iPad , the scene has change a lot.

This is what it looks like in editor.

However, in my iPad, the lighting changed to this:

First, I don’t want my ball to have any reflection and it is in editor, and second that the mobile version has a strange rectangle reflection that I really don’t know where it come from.

And the scene with Standard shader runs not very smooth than those old shaders in my iPad, could any one tell me is there any thing I do wrong? I really want to use Standard shader because it looks very nice in editor, but how I make it seems exactly same in iPad ?

Please help , thanks.

Well I figure out that I have to bake the scene before build it, the baked scene looks better, but I got 30 FPS on my iPad air, that is unbelievable, my scene only get a few polygon, I believe that there must be some thing I do wrong, could any one can help me?

Where do you get that framerate value by the way? It may be locked at 30FPS, we have a script to display the FPS as UI element. It stays locked at this framerate too… unless we do a strange thing in another script:

void Update() {
    Application.targetFrameRate = -1;
    QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;

Thanks for reply me,
The target FPS is not the problem, I find it that the FPS is around 45 but what let me feels not smooth is that the game has a lot of small stuck randomly happen. My script is simple so it can’t because of that, must it because some lighting setting?

If you can, use the profiler to check what might get called a lot, with deep profile option on.

Yes, I see it.
The highest cost is waiting for target FPS, I set the highest to FPS to 120 and it runs nice in editor, but on my iPad it just around 45, and have a lot of hiccups

It should be smooth then… I was searching for something with GI and update (don’t recall the exact name)… doesn’t seem to be that. Your simple script doesn’t move lights by the way, do it?

Off course not,
In fact, I major in programming so that must not a problem, but the new lighting system really confuses me(I never do anything about art before).
For example,I see that there is a option called “Precomputed GI”, and the emissions after bake is not working at all, if I turn this option off, the emissions after bake start working. Is that a bug or something?

And I didn’t find a way to only bake shadow and disabled realtime shadow, even if the light is set to baked.

In addition, the quality of reflection after bake have reduced a lot, And set the baked maps resolution to a higher level doesn’t work neither.

That is a pain to me, those confused me a couple of days, and I don’t want more confusion any more…