I’m seeing an odd flickering behavior on one of my test computers.
I tried the Unity demo which works correctly.
But the scene I’m working on is flickering.
I ran the Unity Player with PIX and captured a good frame 171 and a bad frame 172 (attached).
It’s almost like a render texture is bleeding into the scene.
I’m going to try and update to the latest graphics drivers to see if that fixes my issue.
113099–4345–$pix_103.zip (16.2 KB)
I captured 6 frames and attached the run file which can be opened in PIX.
If you click the render tab in the details pane you’ll be able to see the output that I’m seeing.
If you expand the frame and use shift to select the draw call info, it can be copied with Edit->copy and pasted into a text editor for diffing.
You’ll need to run PIX on Vista (IIRC):
113100–4348–$pix_run2_186.zip (4.88 MB)
January 8, 2009, 7:51am
I opened PIX_run2 and I can’t see the problem in it. All frames are identical. I’m on Vista 32 bit, Radeon HD 3850.
I just installed the latest graphics drivers for my video card and the web player is working correctly now.
Also playing the previous recording looks correct as well.
It must’ve been a bad driver.
January 8, 2009, 8:51am
Do you remember what was the driver version before?
I replaced 163.69 with 178.24_geforce_winvista_32bit_english_whql
The flickering is back. I have the updated drivers this time.
This only happens on this windows machine.
I see the flickering at certain color values. Is it possible that the color bind passed to the shader might be rounding off and on or oscillating. The only way this visually can be happening is if the color on the vertex oscillates from 1/16f to 2/16f.
Here’s a video of the problem.
I multiplied my color ranges by 0.99 which fixed the flickering.