Scene freezes

Hello, I am fairly new to Unity and this forum and am completing a project for school my project involves a randomly generated cave that at random points water spawns in. This has previously worked however now the water molecules(represented by circles) have no gravity and I can not move my player for some reason. Here is what my project looks like in the scene view.

Any and all suggestions/help would be much appreciated. Thank you !!!

Sounds like you wrote a bug… and that means… time to start debugging!

Are your water molecules falling asleep? Set them to not sleep.

By debugging you can find out exactly what your program is doing so you can fix it.

Use the above techniques to get the information you need in order to reason about what the problem is.

You can also use Debug.Log(...); statements to find out if any of your code is even running. Don’t assume it is.

Once you understand what the problem is, you may begin to reason about a solution to the problem.

Remember with Unity the code is only a tiny fraction of the problem space. Everything asset- and scene- wise must also be set up correctly to match the associated code and its assumptions.

If you learn more by debugging and there is some specific thing that still seems mysterious…

How to report your problem productively in the Unity3D forums:

This is the bare minimum of information to report:

  • what you want
  • what you tried
  • what you expected to happen
  • what actually happened, log output, variable values, and especially any errors you see
  • links to actual Unity3D documentation you used to cross-check your work (CRITICAL!!!)

The purpose of YOU providing links is to make our job easier, while simultaneously showing us that you actually put effort into the process. If you haven’t put effort into finding the documentation, why should we bother putting effort into replying?

If you post code, only post the relevant code and always use the format button above. Do not post photographs of code.

Ok thanks for the feedback, setting the water molecules to not sleep has not improved the situation. When I load the scene I want the gravity on the water molecules to activate and to cause them to fall. At the moment they just hang in the air. Similarly my player does not seem to take receive any inputs. I would like the player to receive inputs and then be able to move. It is almost as if the scene is paused. Previous scene run without a hitch. both the player and water are prefabs. I have followed some tutorials to make this.

Creating water:
creating player movement:

After adding a few debug logs I have discovered that the scene itself dies not receive any inputs. However I have also checked whether the scene is paused(it is time scale 1) I’ve checked the physics project settings, I have checked that both of my prefabs are both loaded in with Rigid bodies. I have also checked that the event system is set up appropriately. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Interestingly enough I got a friend to download my project off GitHub and it works on his laptop but not on mine could this be to do with his unity version or could it just be that my laptop is to slow(my laptop is very low end) and it causes the scene to freeze. I would’ve thought that having a low end laptop would just make it choppy instead of completely frozen. Big shout out to my friend jboogz. Any suggestions would be welcome !